Press Overview


Remix Magazine Published Editorial

Beauty Editorial published in their 25th Anniversary Issue, July 2022.

FashioNZ Logo

FashioNZ Interview, 2020

Beauty is a way of life for talented photographer Maegan McDowell, who creates gorgeous fashion and beauty imagery for some of New Zealand’s leading brands and publications.”

NZ Viva Published Editorial + Online Feature

Old world opulence, an iconic vintage wardrobe inspired a glamorous new venture. February 2022.


Eye Magazine Editorial 2020

Finding Fashion amongst the New Zealand Covid-19 Lockdown. A help to re-boost the New Zealand Fashion Industry during the pandemic.

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M2 WOMAN Online Feature

Maegan McDowell is about to unveil her latest exhibition. Inspired by a quote from the popular series Game of Thrones.

Bored Panda Feature Maegan McDowell.jpg

Bored Panda Online Feature

Feature on my project ART MEETS FASHION Series focusing on 16th-18th century styled portraiture reminiscent to aristocratic paintings with a modern twist.

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Eye Magazine Cover Shot

Published Cover Shot for Eye Magazine Collectors Issue 1 2019.

Facetime Cover by Maegan McDowell Photography

Facetime Magazine Cover

Published Cover Shot for Facetime Skin Clinic Issue 1 2020.

The Beauty Bible Feature with Maegan McDowell

Beauty Editorial for The Beauty Bible

Online published beauty editorial for The Beauty Bible Issue #6 Spring Issue, 2018.


Alpha Bravo Interview

“Looking like they’ve jumped right out of a fairytale, Maegan McDowell’s recent beauty shoot creations are striking, captivating, and incredibly unique.”


Endemicworld Interview

New artist to endemicworld Maegan McDowell answered a few of our questions about her current obsessions and how she would  write about travel if she weren’t a photographer.


AIPA: Find a Photographer Feature

“It’s exciting, nerve-racking and the best thing I’ve done for myself,” Maegan says when asked how she felt about her first solo exhibition.